Physical activity is essential for perimenopause - here’s how to start today
There is ONE thing you can do to improve your health today and that’s physical activity. Nothing else you do can create such a positive change for your body. It improves cardiovascular health (including reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart attack). It reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes and other chronic illnesses. Plus it improves mental health. AND keeps the body & bones strong.
There are no foods or drugs that can take the place of regular physical activity to improve mental & physical health. None!
For many people (especially, I would argue, women in the menopause years), the idea of exercise is unfathomable. There are lots of reasons for this - ageing body, larger body, chronically ill body, injured body, bad associations with past exercise, and a lack of time or money.
BUT IT IS ESSENTIAL! So how can you start exercising when you just don’t want to? Here are some ideas:
Find a reason that is beyond the way you look. It might be that you want to stay fit & healthy for your kids or grandkids. It might be that you want to socialise with friends who enjoy physical activity. It might be that you hate hospitals so working on your fitness will help keep you healthy. Or perhaps you want to stick around as long as you can for a loved one. If you make exercise a part of your life only to see physical changes at some point you will be disappointed and stop. Find another reason!
Start tracking the activity you ARE doing. At my retreat recently one of my guests said she wanted to exercise 4 times a week. Which is great. But if you miss a day, it can be the perfect excuse to give up all together. I’ve started tracking all the physical activity I already do which has boosted my confidence in my body and fitness. I track my gentle dog walks, my yoga classes and my walks around Lake Seppings. This has helped me see that I am doing a lot already which was a happy surprise. This win made me to see exercise as something that improves my health rather than as a punishment for not being healthy enough.
Notice how physical activity makes you feel and you’ll want to do more. It’s important to start where you are otherwise you might get scared off. If you haven’t done any exercise in ages then start with something like this (a gentle walking workout at home). Since I’ve started tracking my exercise I’ve noticed I feel better on the days I move my body so I started to add some more cardio workouts to my routine. I even asked my pelvic physio about incorporating resistance training into my sessions because I feel ready. One step at time!
Recognise that you won’t feel up to the same intensity of exercise every day (and rest days are completely legitimate!). More and more the fitness world is understanding that women have varying levels of energy based on their menstrual cycle. A good trainer would incorporate this into your fitness plan. But if you are on your menopause journey and no longer have a (regular) cycle, then I would recommend using the moon phases as your cycle. If that interests you, a beginners guide is here.