The MHT (HRT) debate: a health coach's perspective on menopause care
This week, I had the pleasure of seeing my article about thriving during menopause published in the local newspaper. It’s such a thrill to see something I’ve written in print! You can read the article here.
The article was also shared on Facebook, where a reader commented that I didn’t mention Menopause Hormone Treatment (MHT or HRT). I understand her concern.
MHT has been a topic of confusion since a 2002 trial linked it to increased risks of blood clots, breast cancer, and stroke. However, the trial didn’t highlight that most participants were already 10 years past menopause. More recent studies show that MHT is safer than initially thought, especially for women in peri-menopause (the years leading up to menopause).
Because of this confusion, many doctors are hesitant to prescribe MHT. Yet, for many women, it remains the best option for managing menopause symptoms, particularly hot flushes and the risk of osteoporosis.
Unfortunately, the mistrust in MHT has also led to a surge in “natural remedies” for menopause, many of which lack clinical testing. This has opened the door for products that might not effectively help women struggling with menopause symptoms.
Given this background, I can see why the reader felt MHT should have been included in my article. However, as a certified health coach, yoga teacher, and personal trainer—not a doctor—it’s beyond my scope to discuss prescription medications in a general public article. I did emphasize the importance of finding an understanding GP, who can prescribe medications when appropriate.
What I am qualified to support are the lifestyle factors that play a crucial role in managing menopause symptoms: physical activity, gentle nutrition, stress management, and a sense of purpose. This is all covered in my private menopause health coaching program.
Also this week, I created a new e-book, “Menopause Wellness Essentials.” This free resource includes workouts, recipes, a meditation, and a habit tracker. If you’d like a copy, you can download it by clicking here.
Self-esteem tip of the week - affirmations
I never told anyone that one of my dreams was to have an article I had written about health & wellness published in the paper. This week, after almost 12 years since wishing for it, it happened! I love these growth mindset affirmations to show you that it is possible to achieve your goals, even if you have to wait 12 years! Affirmations are a great way to keep yourself positive even during adversity. Which one is your favourite?
Gentle Nutrition tip of the week - tofu
I know it might be scary, but tofu is one of the best foods for women during and after the menopause transition. It’s extremely high in calcium which is important for bone health. If you have an air fryer, try this tasty crispy tofu. I add it to a bowl of rice & stir fried or salad veggies. Sometimes I even use it to make loaded fries!
Stress Management tip of the week - self-care
Do your best to schedule in some self-care this week. I don’t mean everything on this list (but great if you can). Right now as I write this I am listening to music and it’s really boosting my mood.
I’d love you to email me back the one thing on this list you’ll try this week.
Physical Activity tip of the week - yoga
Even though I’ve been doing yoga on and off for 25 years, I know that being an absolute beginner is scary. I had a woman get in touch this week because she wanted to come to one of my classes but she was really nervous. I let her know we could do some private sessions together so she could get some confidence before going to a class. She jumped at the chance. If that sounds like something you’d like too, please email me at