The work/life balance myth

Recently on Instagram I saw a post about how the full-time work week was designed with the idea that you’d have someone (a wife) at home doing all your admin/cooking/cleaning/child-rearing so if you feel like you’re not coping with work and life, there is nothing wrong with you!

I don’t even have kids and I feel like I can’t get my work/life balance right – which is why I believe work/life balance is a myth.  And if you keep trying to achieve it, it’s like running up a hill that never ends.

Here’s the truth… sometimes work is going to be full on and take up most of your energy and sometimes life (home/family/health) will.  Don’t get me wrong, sometimes we get into that lovely flow where everything runs smoothly (and isn’t that wonderful?) but quite often those periods are few and far between.

Plus, what about those of us where work and life aren’t easily separated.  What are we supposed to do?

In this week’s video I give you 5 tips to help you get closer to work/life balance and how to cope when things get way out of hand.

1.      As often as you can make your self-care your top priority

2.      Establish good boundaries

3.      Batch similar tasks to save time

4.      Ask for support

5.      Use your purpose to keep you motivated

Check out the video for all the details and if you need support look up my Magic Mornings and Love Yourself to Health programs.

Magic Mornings

Love Yourself to Health

What do you think about work/life balance? Is it possible? Let me know your opinion in the comments.


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