Do you need to be spiritual to be healthy?

The video I was nervous to publish…


Back in 2012 I started my health coaching studies and in the first lecture there was talk about “spirituality” being an important part of living a healthy lifestyle.

I almost packed up my computer and quit right then and there.  Talking about spirituality felt way too woo-woo for cynical old me.

But over the years I have definitely warmed to the word, and I’ve found that having a sense of spirituality is essential for both physical and mental health.  When we don’t attend to our spiritual health, we set ourselves up for burn out, apathy, loneliness, and stress and none of these things are suitable for a happy life!

I can still remember how off-putting I found the word *spirituality* so I was very nervous to share this video in case it puts you off too.  But then I realised I wouldn’t be giving you all the best health & wellness information I can share if I didn’t.  So here goes…



In my mind, spirituality comes down to two things:

1.      Connection (to self, others, nature, and something bigger), and

2.      Purpose (a reason to get up in the morning)


In the video I go deeper into those things and how they help you become the healthiest version of yourself.


I’d love you to have a watch and let me know what you think in the comments.


If you’d like to learn more about my 6-month health coaching program, Love Yourself to Health, you can read more about it here.


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