3 exercises to boost your confidence (no sweat required)

You probably know by now that I am on a mission to help women get back into a regular exercise routine because physical health is so important if we want o be able to keep up with everything that is going on in our lives.


But I also understand that for some women, the ideal of getting into some workout gear and getting red-faced and sweaty is their idea of hell.  They are worried they won’t keep up, or that everyone will notice if they make a mistake or that they’ll just look plain silly.  When it all boils down, these reasons for not exercising all relate to a lack of confidence.


When you feel confident you don’t give a sh*t about how silly you might look when you exercise because you know the mental and physical benefits outweigh any discomfort you might feel.


So, to help women feel confident enough to get back into physical exercise, sometimes we need to focus on some mental exercise first.


In this week’s video I outline three proven psychology exercises that increase happiness levels, providing results after just one week.


The exercises are:

1.      Three blessings

2.      Gratitude visit

3.      Use your signature strengths in new ways


Try all three exercises, and notice how they affect your mindset, and ultimately, your actions.  Maybe they’ll help you get confident enough to start physical exercise again!


If you’d like personalised support on your health journey – check out my 6-month health coaching program, “Love Yourself to Health”


How I started exercising again after a 4.5 year break (and how you can too)


The work/life balance myth