The problem with yoga.

Western Yoga has a problem.  Here are some of the examples:

  • We almost only see skinny, white, young, bendy, beautiful women

  • It’s often just focused on Asana or physical poses

  • More & more it seems to have a go hard or go home orientation – handstands, crazy asana on the edge of the cliff, Tabata yoga, weight loss focus, etc.

This can make yoga seem impossible for people who have larger bodies, or who are injured or chronically ill.

However yoga does help body image

A 2018 Study showed:

  • 16.2% of young adults reported practicing yoga at least 30 min/week.

  • Practicing yoga was associated with higher levels of body satisfaction.

  • Yoga practitioners with prior low body satisfaction showed greater increases.

So, what types are especially good for larger, older or sorer bodies?

I love Yin and restorative yoga which can be suitable for almost anyone!

And don’t forget, yoga is more than just the physical practice, there are the 8 limbs of yoga.

The good news is that there are more and more body positive role models:

Here’s how to get involved in my yoga classes both in person and online.

Classes in Albany

Go With the Flow – 6 week online course

Chakra Balancing Online Course


Why you need Yoga Nidra.


How to rock your first yoga class with confidence.