My current healthy lifestyle goal and how one hour a week is making life easier

In this week’s video I talk about my current healthy lifestyle goal and how one hour a week has made my life 100% easier!

Over the last little while I have found it hard to eat well relying a lot on fast food and pre-made meals from the supermarket. I believe both of these things have a place in a healthy, balanced lifestyle, but I found that when I wanted to get up regularly to exercise in the morning 3 times a week, these meals weren’t helping me feel energised. And I knew, as a health coach, that improving my nutrition would not only help boost my energy, but it would make me feel more confident and joyful in my body.

There were many reasons why I wasn’t eating as well as I could:

  1. Cooking for one can create a lot of waste which I didn’t like doing

  2. I teach yoga many evenings a week and needed food quickly once I was finished (convenience)

  3. I had spent 10 years of my life restricting and counting calories so as I transitioned to intuitive eating I felt a bit stuck when it came to meal planning. I wanted more food freedom (which often went astray).

I started improving my diet by adding a greens powder into my routine. Then I added a green smoothie in the mornings. But once the colder weather came I didn’t want a smoothie anymore.

Luckily, around this time I came across the concept of the “Power Hour” which is where you dedicate an hour of your week to creating a few healthy meals so there is something always healthy in the fridge or freezer.

For some of you reading this you might be thinking, “Duh!” but to me it was revolutionary. Even if you are already cooking meals for your family every night, here are 3 reasons why you might want to add a Power Hour to your routine:

  1. You have fussy kids/partner so you aren’t eating the way YOU’D like to eat (add a Power Hour to your week so you can)

  2. You are eating pretty well but your snacks let you down. Prepare some healthy snacks for the week in your Power Hour

  3. You find meal times a bit chaotic. Use the Power Hour to meal plan, write your shopping list, shop online or even doing some chopping in preparation for the week

I love the Power Hour so much that I host one every week in my membership, The Self Love Health Club. It’s not a cooking lesson!!! Just a time for people to gather and prepare healthy, nourishing food for the week.

It’s a great way to stay accountable and really take care of your body with love.

What’s your latest healthy lifestyle goal? Tell me about it in the comments.

And if you want to find out more about The Self Love Health Club, click here.


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