It’s the waning moon - what’s the best self-care right now?

I swear by following the phases of the moon to support my health & fitness goals.


  • It gives me an opportunity to check in with my goals & desires on a regular basis,

  • helps me track the ebbs and flows of my energy,

  • and it reminds me that I am worthy and deserving of regular self-care.

The waning moon lasts for about two weeks and is the perfect time to go inward and reduce the amount of energy that is used on a physical and emotional level.

It's a good time to be less social, and instead to journal and meditate and reflect on what goals and desires are important to you right now. I

n this video I talk about what practices you can do to support your body, mind and spirit during the days of the waning moon.

If you'd like to use the moon phases to support your health & fitness goals then consider joining my Moon Phases Workout membership where you receive a beautiful combination of physical and spiritual self-care that will help you get back into exercise on your terms in a supportive and feminine way.


Behind the scenes update!


How morning rituals reduce stress