3 nuances about being anti-diet

Lately I’ve had complete strangers arguing with me about diet, exercise & body shape in my Instagram comments. (I call it trolling).

So I thought I would talk about some of the nuances of the anti-diet movement to try to explain that it’s about improving health outcomes for people of all sizes, not “promoting obesity”

In this video I take you through 3 of the most important aspects of being anti-diet:

1. It’s accepting that all body shapes and sizes will always exist - despite how much food restriction and exercise a person does. I am a prime example and I talk about that in the video.
2. It’s promoting intuitive eating (not a junk food diet although for some people that’s all they can afford or have time to eat - see point 3)
3. Privilege plays a big part in health and body size. If you’ve never had to think about having enough time or money to eat healthy food then you are privilege. There is nothing wrong with being privileged, don’t feel bad about it. But take to time to notice it and aim to not judge others who aren’t.

There is a lot more to being anti-diet and taking a health at every size approach. If you need any help or clarification, send me a DM on Instagram or write a (respectful) comment below.


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