Your next level you is calling.

It’s time to achieve that niggling goal.  You know you can do it.  You just have to decide.

That version of you that feels accomplished, energised by life, full of passion and purpose is in there, and now is the time to uncover it.

Whatever your goal is, it’s been niggling at you for a while.


Maybe it’s a new job so you can leave that toxic environment behind

Perhaps it’s better boundaries with your family so you don’t spend every day  feeling resentful

It might be those health & fitness goals that have been on your mind for a while

Because you know you’re capable of more, you know you are worthy of more, you know you can have your version of “it all” but somehow it just keeps getting put on the back burner.


And here’s why:

You’re really busy.  You’re talented at a lot of things and you’re so caring that you often get swept up into things that you didn’t mean to say yes to

You know how to achieve your big dreams but you feel frustrated that your desires keep getting swept aside for everyone else’s

In fact you’ve had everything you desire before so this one feels within arms reach but you just can’t seem to make it happen

And the closer you are the more overwhelmed you feel and it’s chipping away at your confidence and self-esteem

If you’re honest with yourself, you feel like maybe you are past your glory days and this dream will never come true

I’ve been there. Multiple times.


I’ve hated my career and felt completely stripped of my self esteem when I wasn’t taken seriously by the corporate boys club… so I quit my job and started my own business.

I’ve had to deal with stage 4 endometriosis and multiple surgeries which meant my body changed… so I learned to love it and take care of it as it is rather than trying to change it every day.

I’ve dealt with my business disappearing before my eyes due to the global pandemic (like so many others)... but I rebuilt it from scratch AND paid off my credit card in less than 12 months.

And you might wonder how I did all that? The answer:


To leave my job I got accountability. I told everyone my goal so I couldn’t back out and I had my team of health professionals keeping me accountable.

To love my body I took daily actions. I ramped up my meditation and journaling practices and immersed myself in the world of body love.

To rebuild my business I took daily actions AND I kept myself accountable. I recommitted to meditation and journaling and I podcasted about it every day for one whole month.

But here’s the thing, the daily actions that worked for me may not work for you… we all need different support. Customising goals for my clients has worked wonders too:

  • S felt disrespected by her family when it came to household chores.  Using the methods I share in Miracle Month she learned to create boundaries and get the respect she deserves without feeling like a b*tch

  • After not feeling worthy enough of being in a family photo in years, B booked a family portrait package after her very first session with me.

  • K finally quit her toxic job and moved towns to live her dream life and be closer to her daughter and grandchildren

  • P started a new side-hustle that serves her soul after feeling purposeless for years

  • B stopped eating a 20 pack of chicken nuggets every time she felt angry at her partner and instead learned to feel passionate about food (and eventually got herself a new partner)

Introducing Miracle Month

A 28-day bespoke private coaching program designed to help you take back control of your dreams and achieve your goals, one at a time.

That’s what worked for me and my clients… taking small daily steps towards our goals


50 squats for 28 days to get a start on that nicely rounded booty

5 minutes of meditation a day to keep calm and connect to your inner intuition

Setting a challenge to say “no” to one thing a day for 28 days to create boundaries and more time for yourself

Writing out your desires in present tense to tell the Universe you are ready for it all

Sounds easy right?  But which daily action is the right one for you?  And we all know that life always gets in the way.  So that’s where I come in.

We will meet for a 45-minute session to get clear on your big dream and the one or two daily activities that will make it happen.  Then for 28 days in a row I will hold you accountable and check in with you to see how you are doing and to troubleshoot any blocks.  At the end of 4 weeks we’ll celebrate your success and map out your next steps.

This is why my clients had such great success - they had me to hold them accountable (gently of course).  That’s the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t.

Daily action and accountability.

And that’s why I’ve created Miracle Month.  You don’t need months of support.  You just need someone to help you get started.

Here’s what people say about working with me:

Ash Body Love VIP.png

This is how Miracle Month works:

Step 1: Book in for your 45-minute Zoom session. I like to call this the Clarity Call.  This is where we get clear on your goals, what’s been holding you back and decide on one goal to work on for one month.  We’ll create a daily action step for you to take and I may provide you with a meditation, journaling prompts or other resources to support you.

Step 2: For 28 days you’ll take daily action.  I will keep you accountable via a free app called Voxer.  We can record voice messages or send text messages to keep in touch.  You’ll see how daily action adds up to huge results.

Step 3: We meet again on Zoom for 30 minutes to debrief and create new goals for you to achieve.  Perhaps you’ll choose to join me for another Miracle Month or you might feel empowered to chase your dreams on your own. 

What’s included:

1 x 45-minute Zoom coaching call (or FaceTime or Skype or a phone call)

28 days of daily coaching via Voxer (a free, easy to use, voice messaging app)

1 x 30 minute Zoom coaching call (again, if Zoom isn’t your thing we can use the phone or Skype)

Resources customised for you (e.g. meditations, journaling prompts, yoga sequence)

Bonus: Access to Magic Mornings program valued at $100

This program is for you if

You know you are ready to live your next level life but you aren’t quite sure how to get started.  Perhaps you want a new job, or a healthier lifestyle, to have better boundaries, pay off debt or start a new side-hustle.  Any of these things are possible, and all you need is to take the first step.  You’re the type of person who once you commit to something you are ALL IN.  No excuses, just take one step at a time, even if those steps feel a little scary.



I’m not good at technology - can I still do this?

Yes you can!  If you are reading this on the internet you have all the skills you need.  Voxer is a lot like Facebook messenger and Zoom is like Facetime.  If you have a dodgy internet connection we can have our coaching sessions on the phone but daily accountability will be on Voxer so that you have a dedicated container for your personal dreams and you don’t get distracted by social media or your family’s text messages.

How much can I expect to achieve in only one month?

You’d be surprised!  Each daily action has a cumulative effect on both your goal and your energy.  You’ll show up in the world as a more confident, next-level you and that will magnetise good things to you.  Of course, depending on your goal, it might not all happen in one month, but you will be well on your way after 28 days of accountability.  And you can always sign up for another month if you want to keep going.


So much can change in just 28 days.  When I designed this program I thought about all those times in my life when (for instance) I saw the physio and they gave me exercises but I gave up after 3 days.  I always wished I could bring the physio home with me so I wouldn’t fall off the wagon.  I’m not a physio but I will be available to you every single day for 28 days.  I’ve seen how much can change for clients in the very first month of coaching so instead of drawing out the experience, let’s make it all happen in 28 days.  It could be miraculous!