6-month private coaching with Emma
Reclaim your time, money, well-being, and happiness by ditching diets forever and learning to treat your body with respect.
You know that diets don’t work in the long term but there’s that sneaky voice inside your head that’s telling you it’s your fault it’s not working, that there’s something wrong with you.
But here’s the thing, diets don’t work for 95% of the population. And for that other 5%... they are ALWAYS on a diet, always restricting food, always working out like an elite athlete.
Quite frankly, who wants to spend their life focusing on restriction? Not me, and I suspect, not you either.
We are ready for an abundant life!
One that allows great food with no shame or restriction, ever.
One that celebrates all that our bodies CAN do and focuses on exercise for energy and joy rather than punishment for not looking “right”.
One that is full of excitement, confidence, energy, and motivation to do the things we love, wear clothes that we love and spend time with people that we love.
One that fosters respect for our bodies by offering it loving support and gentle nutrition.
Here’s what your typical day probably looks like right now:
You wake up after a restless sleep, there’s so much to do every day but not enough time to do it. Plus those hot flushes are kicking in.
You are ready to eat “perfectly” today even though you’re not on a specific diet. You’ve learned enough from all the diets you’ve tried over the years to cherry pick what “works”. And your number one goal for the day is to skip the chocolate stash at work, for once!
After a small breakfast and making a salad for lunch you start work, which you love, but you have a small feeling of dread in the back of your mind because there is that one person in your life that makes you question yourself when it comes to food… They are always on a diet, counting calories or cutting out food groups and you wonder if you should be doing it too.
You get through the morning and eat your lunch but by 2.45 you feel frazzled and tired and so you walk past that chocolate basket and take a couple of snacks to have with your afternoon coffee.
You don’t get enough done at work after spending the afternoon feeling guilty about the chocolate (and not being able to concentrate because of the guilt) so you “punish” yourself by skipping a walk with a friend (because it’s just a walk and won’t burn enough calories anyway) and staying back to work for an extra 30 minutes.
You get home, cranky, hungry, and feeling just a little pissed off with the world so you pour yourself a big glass of wine and make pasta for you and your hubby.
After getting a few jobs done and flaking in front of the TV you get to bed by 11 and sleep restlessly again, feeling tired but wired, ready to wake up and do it all again tomorrow.
This feels so familiar to me because that was my life too. Even when I wasn’t on a diet I was always trying to be “good” with my food and that morphed into being “good” every where else.
Avoiding conflict with the bully at work, unsuccessfully avoiding the vending machine, skipping workouts to make up for lost time that was spent thinking about food (and the bully) and rewarding myself with alcohol and carbs (N.B. there is nothing wrong with wine or carbs but if they are only joy in your life, and/or you feel guilty about them, then things are a little out of balance).
I thought the best way to fix all of this was to leave the corporate career behind and become a health coach and personal trainer. But for a while this led to an obsession with being “healthy” which was actually a brush with disordered eating. ALL I thought about was food and exercise and losing the last 5 kilos (even if by some miracle I lost a couple it was always another 5).
After hitting menopause early at 43 after surgery and realising through trying all sorts of restrictive diet and punishing exercise programs that my body was NEVER going to be the same, I finally did the research and found out that diets don’t work in the long term and that even though I was heavier than I used to be, I could still be healthy.
Over the last few years, I have focused on respecting my body by eating intuitively, moving gently, paying attention to my mental health, and taking care of my appearance.
I don’t drink (because that’s right for me), I eat carbs when I like (not as “reward” for getting through the day), I have more confidence than I have ever had before, and I no longer worry about my weight because it has stabilised.
People tell me all that time that I am glowing, and I have to say, that never happened when I was always trying to lose weight. Back then I was so stressed and undernourished that I hardly ever looked truly healthy.
Here’s what else I’ve learned:
You can’t do someone else’s health & fitness program and get their results because we all have different bodies and different life experiences
There will be good days and bad days when we ditch dieting and focus on holistic health because we are surrounded by messages that say being slim is the only way to be healthy (and happy)
Truly learning to accept yourself as you are leads to better health behaviours and therefore better health outcomes. (1)
Which is why I’ve combined my years of experience in the fitness industry as a health coach, yoga teacher and personal trainer with my own experiences to create a 6-month private coaching immersion to help you escape diet culture and conditioning and become the healthiest and happiest version of yourself, ever.
In my private coaching program, I teach my clients how to:
eat intuitively and focus on gentle nutrition (meaning no deprivation ever again)
move their bodies gently and effectively for their size and experience level (so they can get the benefits of exercise without hating every second)
take care of their appearance so they can glow from the inside and out no matter their size
accept themselves unconditionally (most of the time… I’m not trying to create robots!)
PLUS, I back this all up with anti-diet education so that you know why diets don’t work so that you can take all that you learn with you for LIFE.
“I feel so much better
Thanks for letting me get all of that out!
It’s stuff that so many of my friends wouldn’t get - either because they’re in diet culture or they’ve never struggled with size
I appreciate what you do so much xx ”
Here's what you should expect from doing this program with me:
Leave diet culture and the thin ideal behind and learn to treat your body with respect
Free yourself from chronic dieting and learn why it’s harmful for your health
Reclaim the time, money, and happiness that diet culture steals from you
Learn how to eat intuitively and nourish yourself with gentle nutrition in a way that works for your unique body
Discover the best way to move your body that suits your fitness level, lifestyle, and body shape
Develop your self-worth so that you can prioritise rest, sleep, and your own interests
How to make the most of your appearance so you feel confident and gorgeous, no matter your size
Get started straight away by booking your first session or book a free 15-minute chat to see if this is right for you
What’s included:
12 x 45-minute private coaching sessions with me where we work together on your needs and goals to boost your health and free you from diet culture (valued at $900)
Unlimited chat between sessions (valued at $500)
Access to any online programs I run while we are working together
This completely immersive 6-month experience is valued at $1400 but you can start today for just $225 per month
Who is this program for?
This 6-month immersion is for anyone who is tired of feeling bad about their weight. For anyone who has tried every diet under the sun and is frankly exhausted by the idea of doing another one. For feminist women who are sick of the patriarchy deciding how they should look. For women who have had enough of being fat-shamed by their doctors, family, or well-meaning friends. For anyone who is ready to create time, space, and energy for new (or old) pursuits that have been put on the back burner because they’ve been waiting to lose weight first. For women who want to make sure they are doing all they can for their health without the pain & punishment of another weight loss program.
Self-Love Health Club Member -
“Hey Emma, I just wanted to share with you that I've been out and tried indoor beach volleyball! I was really anxious and had this little voice telling me I was no good and too unfit but I tuned it out and focused on having fun and doing my best. After playing for 2 hours I'm still buzzing with good vibes and feeling well worked out. Thank you for helping guide me to find confidence in my body and enjoy movement and exercise on my terms. You are the best person and PT ever! 🤩💜.”
Q Isn’t it bad for your health to not focus on weight loss?
A No. In fact, weight loss has shown to be harmful to health because most people (close to 95%) will regain all the weight within 5 years with two thirds of dieters gaining more than they had lost and this weight cycling negatively impacts heart health, increases the risk of diabetes and damages mental health. The majority of those that keep the weight off have persisted with extremely restrictive diets that can lead to malnourishment, mental health problems and eating disorders.
Source: https://nutritionj.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/1475-2891-10-9.pdf
Q What will we talk about in the sessions?
A We will start with a comprehensive health history to find out what your goals are and how your health has been in the past (without any body shaming or stepping on the scales). From there the sessions will be part education from me but mostly supporting you through a huge mental shift from chasing the thin ideal to learning to accept and respect yourself as you are (because believe me, you are awesome even if you don’t know that yet). Plus, I’ll keep you accountable to your goals and help you create the time and space for the health behaviours that will give you more energy, confidence and freedom.
Q I haven’t exercised in years. Will I be okay with the online programs?
A I would suggest you talk to your doctor if you have any physical concerns, but my classes are gentle and accessible for all fitness levels, and I am open to feedback to further adapt them if necessary.
I spent about a decade being focused on my weight. It started when I was heartbroken by the sudden end of a relationship, and I stopped eating properly because of the stress. This led to me losing a couple of dress sizes very quickly. At that time, I was complimented frequently for how great I looked and of course, once I started eating again, I couldn’t stay that thin. So, I chased it and chased it and chased it. It took up a lot of my brain space, my time, my money, and it stole my self-esteem. And I actually believed I would be loved again if I was thinner. Ten years of my life – gone!
Yes, I am heavier now and the love of my life turned out to be a dog, but I have honestly never been happier or more confident. I glow from within. I eat food without guilt. I exercise about 7 hours a week because I love it. I wear clothes and colours that I love. I am 100% free to be me and I hardly recognise that woman with the broken heart.
Everyday I see the talent, expertise, charisma, and love that is wasted because women feel they aren’t good enough the way they are and don’t put themselves out there to chase their dreams. I truly know my mission in life is to help women break free from diet culture and live life to the fullest.
If you can feel even a little yearning to do this program with me, I say “don’t hesitate” because I know you won’t regret it.