My new moon intention setting ritual and how it helps me stick to my fitness goals

It's easy to set your fitness goals at the beginning of the year or when you start a new exercise routine but it doesn't give you an opportunity to revisit them (unless you are really disciplined).

I prefer to use my New Moon intention ritual to help me set and stick to my fitness goals.

The New Moon rolls around every 29.5 days which encourages us to set goals every month and also regularly review them and celebrate success.

My ritual takes between 30 minutes to an hour every month and it gives me an opportunity to see how I'm tracking with my goals but also to tap into the more feminine and manifesting energy of the moon.

Check out the video to see my 6-step process and let me know in the comments if you are going to start using the new moon to bring your fitness goals into reality.

If you’d like help sticking to your exercise goals, tracking your progress can help. Click here to download my free exercise tracker.


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