My 5 favourite self-development books and the #1 lessons I learned from each

In 2018 I read almost 50 books and half of those were in the self-development genre (I also like chick lit). I must have read over 100 self-development books in the past few years and I LOVE them. I may not remember and act on everything I learn, but there are always one big lesson from each book.

In this video I go through the top 5 books I’ve read and my big lesson from each.

If you’re not into watching videos, here’s the low down:

  1. Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell - My favourite thing about this book was the exercise Rebecca recommends. She says to write yourself a letter about all your accomplishments. Then record yourself reading this letter and listen to the recording every day for 3 weeks.

  2. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza - This book has a unique take on the mind/body connection with an amazing meditation to try.

  3. Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanny - Another reminder that EVERYTHING is connected to self-esteem. Believe you deserve more and you can earn more.

  4. Women’s Wellness Wisdom by Dr Libby Weaver - My favourite quote in this book is “The opposite of stress isn’t calm, it’s trust”. Think about that for a moment, it’s pretty deep

  5. Body Positive Power - by Megan Jayne Crabbe - The body love bible. It changed so much for me.

What’s your favourite self-development book?


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