21 ideas for your 21-day Sadhana


Sadhana is a Sanskrit word to describe the yogic tradition of making a daily intentional commitment to achieve a goal.

I love to help my clients (and myself) through 21 days of committing to a daily action. It’s super transformative and empowering.

Here are four reasons why Sadhanas are so powerful:

  1. The primary benefit (for example, you choose to drink 2 litres of water a day so you can have great skin and after doing just that for 21 days you have great skin!)

  2. The secondary benefit(s) (for example, while drinking 2 litres of water a day you start to have better digestion and you drink less alcohol)

  3. You are creating new neural pathways in the brain. This means that the brain is more likely to take on a new habit and make it stick!

  4. The feelings of accomplishment when you have finished.

Watch this video (Facebook or Instagram) for more information about the benefits of a sadhana.

21 ideas for a 21-day Sadhana

If you are feeling inclined to try a 21-day Sadhana, here are some ideas:

  1. Drink 2 litres of water a day

  2. Do the same simple yoga practice every day (try this one or this one)

  3. Repeat an affirmation daily

  4. Meditate

  5. Surrender alcohol

  6. Surrender sugar

  7. Journal

  8. Pull an oracle card

  9. Cleanse your skin every night (I love Patootie skincare)

  10. Walk

  11. Surrender caffiene

  12. Eat breakfast

  13. Text a friend

  14. Use mala beads for affirmation & meditation

  15. Promote your business on social media

  16. Do some colouring in

  17. Make your bed

  18. Put your worries in a surrender box

  19. Spend time in nature

  20. Take your supplements

  21. Use essential oils

    There are, of course, an infinite number of ideas for a daily intentional practice. It’s best to decide on what outcome you want and then choose an action that will support that outcome. The other thing that is super helpful is having accountability so that you almost feel compelled to complete the action daily.

If you need assistance to decide what your outcome and action could be and have daily accountability and coaching throughout the 21 days, then join my private Sadhana coaching program for VIP support.

Tell me in the comments - what’s your 21-day Sadhana going to be?


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