Module 6.




In this video, I review what we have learned and encourage you to celebrate how far you have come. Whether you’ve just dabbled in the course or managed to watch and read every single thing.

The good news is that the course is here for you whenever you need it. You can come back to things again and again at a time that is perfect for you.

I highly recommend that you revisit the intention you set at the beginning of the course. Has anything changed? Is there anywhere you would like to focus your attention on after completing this course?

I hope you have learned some new things and really started to enjoy your yoga practice. Please let me know if you have any feedback.

I look forward to seeing you in the Facebook Group. If you haven’t booked your one on one session with me yet you can do that here.


Week 6 Yoga Class.

This week we have a couple of standing poses and one challenging abdominal pose. It is quite a strong sequence and can be great for those days when you have lots of energy!

This week’s poses are:

  • Ujjayi breath

  • Easy Sitting

  • Breathing Forward

  • Dog Wagging Tail

  • Thread the needle

  • Downward Dog

  • Triangle Pose

  • Side Angle

  • Wide legged forward fold

  • Dolphin

  • Some basic stretches

  • Relaxation



Congratulations! You have made it to the end of the course.

When was the last time you finished a course? If you are like me it might be just a few weeks ago (I am a serial course taker) or maybe its been a few years? Either way, it does not diminish this achievement.

Too often when we achieve something, we don’t take the time to celebrate. We either pick all the faults (I didn’t get high grades, or in this case, I didn’t do all the exercises) or we rush on to the next project.

If you fall into either category, I want you to stop and pause right now and acknowledge your accomplishment. If you haven’t finished everything, don’t worry. I hope you have learned that perfection is not a requirement of a happy life. Plus you can use these resources anytime you like. You have access for the lifetime of the course. Bonus!

I also want you to actually mark this milestone with a celebration of some sort. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Light some candles and think about what you’ve learned

  2. Play your favourite music and reflect o the course

  3. Buy yourself some flowers

  4. Throw yourself a party

  5. Give yourself a mani or pedi

  6. Book a mini break away

  7. Spend some time alone on a beach

  8. Take a day off (or half a day, or an hour…)

  9. Turn off your phone, TV & internet and just chill

  10. Go for a picnic

  11. Write yourself a love letter

  12. Write a timeline of your life and mark on it all the times you were really proud of yourself.

Please take this time to acknowledge and celebrate. 

And thank you so much for taking this course with me. I really appreciate you for being here.