Module One.

Getting Started


The importance of the breath.

In the first module of GWTF you will learn some of the basics of yoga and most importantly you will learn about the breath. Our healthy habit for this module is drinking enough water. I actually think the information in this module is so powerful that if you only find time to do this you will be set! Take some time (even if it's just 10 minutes) to check out one of the videos today.

Please also remember you have one private 30 minute session with me so if you haven't booked it yet you might like to do so now. We can chat, do some yoga or a combo of both.


One of the most important elements of yoga (and of life) is the breath. Please spend a few minutes watching the video to understand the importance of the breath and also how to do the Ujjayi breath that we use in our Vinyasa Yoga sequences. Make sure you try the exercise and the end and let us all know how you go in the Facebook group.


Week 1 Yoga Class.


Healthy Habit - Drinking Water

How much water should you drink?

Did you know that your body is made up of between 60-75% water? It’s no surprise that how much you drink can affect your health. Too much water could result in mineral imbalances, while too little could cause dehydration, headaches or fatigue. So, how much should you drink? Bio-individuality applies not only to food but also to the amount of water our bodies need to function properly. On average, men should ingest about 3 litres (13 cups) and women about 2.2 litress (9 cups) of water each day[1]. In order to satisfy individual needs, various lifestyle factors need to be taken into consideration. For example, the water content in fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables may increase hydration in the body.

Water intake should be increased in the following situations:

  • Hot/humid temperature

  • High altitude (above 8,200 feet)

  • High exercise level

  • Illness of fever, diarrhoea, vomiting

  • Infections of the bladder or urinary tract

  • Pregnancy/breastfeeding

  • Increased alcohol intake

What is the best type of water to consume? There are many types of water including tap, bottled, filtered, distilled, and alkaline ionized water. Consumption generally depends on cost and availability, as not everybody has access to the best sources of water.

  • Tap water, although the most readily available, may not always be the safest option. Some cities have very good purification systems, while others leave traces of chlorination by-products, lead and sometimes bacteria

  • Water filters can help to remove contaminants when environmental toxins pose a threat to water systems. It is important to know which contaminants are present in your water in order to choose the right filter.

  • Distillation, a process consisting of boiling water, has also been found to remove impurities and toxins. However, some believe the naturally occurring minerals in non-distilled water are beneficial to health.

  • Bottled water has become a popular option for individuals without access to safe tap water; however, there are growing concerns about chemicals from the plastic seeping into the water, as well as the effects that the increasing number of bottles is having on the environment.

  • Water ionizers are gaining more recognition for their ability to create alkaline ionized water through electrolysis, which may have certain health benefits.

  • I prefer to use my own bottle with filtered water.

Other ways water can increase your health & vitality

  • Drinking water upon waking. I highly recommend drinking up to a litre of water when you wake. Especially if you are suffering from constipation, this will help you to have a complete elimination early in the day. You will feel lighter and brighter if you get this out of the way first thing.

  • Warm water with half a lemon’s juice in the morning also aids digestion plus it boosts the immune system and helps to stimulate and purify the liver. It’s also a good way to way to wean your way off too much coffee in the morning.

  • Spas, baths, steam rooms and hot/cold showers are all invigorating self-care rituals that can help you to feel amazing.

  • Hot water bottles are beautifully soothing heat therapy tools. A great way to ease sore muscles, aid digestion and so much more. Download the handout for more information.

So, 9 cups of water a day. Does that sound achievable?

[1]Dietary reference intakes for water, potassium, sodium, chloride and sulfate.Institute of Medicine. Accessed February 23, 2012.